
Friday, June 28, 2013

Unusual beauty tip: How to apply mascara on your bottom lashes

I know what are you asking: what kind of rocket science is that? No science here, but I've noticed that if mascara has big wand I always get mascara underneath my eyes and then I have to clean that area up, reapply concealer, powder, eye makeup ... You get the picture. I'll show you super easy and inexpensive way how to apply mascara on your bottom or really short lashes in general.

You'll need small brush which is meant to be used to clean in between your teeth (how do you call them? :D). You can get them in any drugstore for super cheap and they come in different sizes. I believe I have the smallest size.

You basically coat little brush with mascara directly from mascara wand, just don't dip it into actual mascara, you'll have a lot of excess product on there and it will clump your lashes. Just coat it thinly so bristles are still defined and then apply it on your bottom lashes and little ones in the inner corner of your eye if you have them. You'll see how your lashes are not clumpy and you won't have to clean up the mess underneath your eye!

I hope this helps to some of you! ;)

Do you have any other "tricks" how to apply mascara without making a mess?

Happy Weekend!


  1. Super trik, tole pa morem probat :)

  2. Oh tole pa se ne bi nikoli spomnila. Odlično:)

  3. Jooj, na to pa sploh nisem pomislila...super ideja.

  4. Such a good idea! The brushes are called interdental brushes :) x

  5. That is so clever! Definstly going to try that! :) xxx

  6. Hehe, to pa je dober trik. Moja medzobna ščetka leži v predalu neuporabljena saj medzobne prostore uspem le z zobno nitko očistit in zdej si mi dala dobro idejo, kako jo uporabit :)

    1. Hehe, tudi moje so ležale nekaj časa nekje, potem je pa bil čas, da jih uporabim ;)

  7. Love the tip! It's so clever!
    Do you have a new camera? The pictures look different!


    1. Thank you ;)
      Yes I have, already answered you that ;)
