
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: Beginner? No problem!

I am bringing Saturday Fitness Posts back! Who's excited? ;)

I asked you on Twitter if you have any ideas what should I cover in my next post and @Rbeautythoughts asked me to do "tips for beginners". Well, it's your lucky day, because I'll cover that today :). Let's just start ...

So, what can you do when you're a total beginner in healthy lifestyle and don't know where to start?

Source: Pinterest.

1. Start doing baby steps.
Make small changes in your everyday meals or fitness. For example: first week: start including fruit and vegetables in every meal, start moving, second week: eliminate sugary drinks, drink more water, third week: eat 4-6 times per day, fourth week: substitute white flour with whole wheat or try to eat gluten free, fifth week ... You get the picture, you can adopt this to your own needs and you know your body best, so you're your own best nutritionist or fitness trainer. Just don't let your ego win ;)

2. Clear out your taste buds.
We tend to spoil our taste buds. Pizza, for example, is very tasteful and flavourful dish, that's why we don't find simple, one-ingredient foods exciting anymore. The more you're used to man made food, the more you crave it, the less you like real food. I suggest you try to eat fruit and vegetables as much as you can during the day. Don't limit yourself, try everything at anytime. This will help you clear out your taste buds, after some time you'll find them tasty again as your taste buds will get used to them.

3. Cook for yourself.
When I started with 90 day separate diet for the first time, I started cooking for myself, because no one in family ate the way I did and no one actually supported me at the beginning. Since then I've been cooking for myself even though I still live at my mum's. They got used to it, I like preparing my own food - that's the only way I know what I put in my body.

Source: Pinterest.

4. Do not keep junk in your kitchen.
If you don't have it at home, you won't be able to eat it, will you? Don't go grocery shopping with an empty stomach, keep your food shopping simple - buy fresh (preferably organic) fruit and veg, beans, chickpeas, lean chicken, turkey, tofu, eggs, (dairy, almond, soy) milk ... One ingredient food, no man-made packaged foods. Simple as that.

5. Do not diet!
Even though I started my weight loss journey with a diet and learnt a lot from it, I don't recommend it to anyone. Why? Because diets are for certain period of time and you're forced to start eating completely different in just over the night. Once it's over, you'll be more likely to go on your old unhealthy lifestyle. There's no finish line in Fitness and Health. It should be life long journey ... so return to the first point - baby steps and clearing out your taste buds will do the trick ;)

6. Read food labels.
I keep repeating that and I know it may be annoying, but let me tell you: it is NOT time consuming, because when you see a long list of ingredients, put it back on the shelf. Don't waste your time reading ingredients that are unfamiliar in the first place.

7. Keep a food journal.
This is not just for beginners, but it can help you to be organized with your meals and is an effective way you know when, how much and how many times a day you eat. It can help you even with any health problems - maybe you'll discover if you have any food allergies etc.

If you cheat, you only cheat yourself.
Source: Pinterest. 

8. Take before and after pictures.
When you'll see results, it will keep you going, you'll be more motivated, you'll continue with exercising. Also, take measurements or you could even weight yourself. I wrote about how to know you've progressed here.

9. Educate yourself.
Read health blogs, magazines, fitness sites, like them on Facebook ... (or just read my blog :P) It's good to be educated about food you're putting in your body, maybe you'll stop eating certain food this way or maybe it motivated you to start moving.

10. No excuses!
I think I'll cover excuses in next Saturday Fitness post, but in short words: If you want something so badly (fit body, health, look and feel better ...) no excuse/person will stand in your way. You're creator of your own life, every detail of it and you deserve only best.

Source: Pinterest.

11. Think positive!
Yes, you can do it, yes, you are worthy, yes, you are beautiful the way you are at any weight, but you'll feel better if you take care of your body - and your body will thank you! And keep in mind - we are all amateurs at the begining, no one can know everything overnight.

I hope this helps to some of you! I really enjoyed writing this post! :)
If you have any other tips and ideas ofr complete beginners, please share them in a comment!

P.S.: If you have any ideas/recommendations for Saturday fitness posts, please share them in a comment section ;)


  1. Tole je pa super, sploh pri 5 točki ne bi mogla boljše napisat :)

  2. Ahhh, thank you for the mention! These are great tips, I can't wait to start applying them into my routine! I'm hoping to take some 'before' pictures tomorrow and will see how I am in a few weeks time.

    Great tips!

    1. Thank YOU for amazing topic idea! Glad I could help and good luck!

  3. I loved this post! Staying healthy should definitely be a life long journey, not just a temporary thing!
    Would love to see more of these kind of posts :)

    xo, Inês

    1. Unfortunately most people do it as a temporary thing. Will do my best to write more of them!

  4. Super napisan post. Se pa strinjam, z manjhnimi koraki je treba začeti in potem samo nadgrajevati. Jaz nikoli nisem bila pristaš diet, tako da so mi taki nasveti odlični in bi morali doseči čim večji krog ljudi, tako da delim. :)

    1. Hvala za komentar in share! Baby steps za vse v življenju, ne moraš kar preskočit ;)

  5. Super post:) Vse je v majhih korakih in v samodisciplini:)


    Check out my international giveaway!

  6. These tips are really great - I've definitely found that the cutting down slowly approach works better! I used to drink fizzy drinks every day and now I've cut way down and drink so much more water! xx

    1. Good for you! I only drink water, lemonades and teas basically. thank you for commenting! x

  7. Super uporabni nasveti, se jih skušam držat na svoji shujševalni poti :D

    1. Upam, da ti bodo prišli prav ;) Srečno in hvala za komentar ;)

  8. "If you want something so badly, no excuse/person will stand in your way."
    I keep repeating this so often! Sorry but I can't stand people who are very skinny or fat and keep complaining about how they want to see their body changed. What I can't stand about it? They don't do anything about it, and still complain. It's like wanting to win the lottery but don't buy a ticket! I think wanting something really badly is the most important thing of changing your lifestyle. Motivation is key to everything. It's also the key to discipline, which you really need when you want to start living the healthy lifestyle. And of course a great coach, like you!
    To get back on topic: great tips, Deja! This is also how I started when I started the healthy living. And making small steps gives you small victories, and a victory is a victory. It keeps you motivated :)
    Another great post, my friend. You're such an inspiration and you really know how to keep us (and especially ME) motivated to do better and to keep doing better :) Positivity (and motivation) IS contagious and you've started the pandemic :)


    1. THANK YOU SAL. I knew you'd love this post ;)
      Yay for pandemic! Let's spread it!


  9. Super post! Jaz sem tudi ena od začetnikov, tako da pride zelo prav .)
