
Monday, June 17, 2013

Products that suck #2 (makeup edition)

And here we are again ... Writing about products that suck. Today I'll present to you some makeup products that didn't work for me.

But keep in mind that whatever doesn't work for me, it may work for you, it's the same the other way around :)

I have quite oily eyelids and all eyeshadows crease on me in no time. Two eyeshadow primers that disappointed me are NYX Eyeshadow Base Skin tone and MUA Professional Eyes Primer. NYX one is basically like a concealer and I got product in my crease before I even applied eyeshadow over it. I can still use it to cover my under eye circles or any blemishes though ;). MUA primer does nothing, is like wearing no primer at all. It's too watery consistency to make your eyeshadows stay, I think.

Another MUA product that suck, has to be their Kiss proof lip stain. It gives my lips barely any colour, it's streaky and product was almost already dry when I got it. After awhile wearing it I got some flakes on my lips as if I had really dry lips, but I exfoliate them on almost daily basis. The smell is also quite strong.
Disappointing lip balm of all times has to be Balea young Fruity kiss. I feel like it just sits on my lips and it's not penetrated at all. Also, I hate the artificial smell of it ... kinda makes me sick.

I already mentioned this product in my "eyeshadow palette collection" post while back and I still hate it. It's NYX glitter Cream Pallet 04 Surreal. I kept it and tried to make it work, but it's impossible. I feel like it's Vaseline mixed with glitter. All of them fall off before I even finish my makeup. Time to throw you away and make a place for another palette ;).

I'm still on a hunt for perfect mascara. I bought quite a bunch new ones in last three months and most of them were disaster to me.
The biggest disappointment was MUA Every Lash volume & Lengthening mascara. I feel like there's no product on the wand. No volume, no length either. It's like air in the mascara packaging.
Second mascara is Essence Get big! lashes volume boost waterproof. I've heard some good things about this mascara from other bloggers, but I just don't see it. It has a big wand, which makes application clumsy, it clumps my lashes together and when I apply it on my bottom lashes it sticks some individual lashes from top and bottom together. I'm not even sorry I don't like you, mascara!
Last mascara in this post is Maybelline The falsies volum' express. I bought it because I've heard from some youtubers it's a great product. Well, I just don't see it ... Its wand is extremely clumsy, I get product all over my lids and ruins my eye makeup, it's not even jet black colour and I see no volume.

Last product I have to mention today, is MUA Pro-brow Ultimate Eyebrow Kit. I heard only good reviews on it, so I guess I'm the weird one :). Brush that comes with the kit fell apart the first day I used it and it was impossible to be precise with it anyways. Little tweezers are not bad, but I really don't like products itself. Two shadows are for brows and they look like they have red undertones. Also they are really powdery and they are not precise to apply. The highlight colour is too dark for my skin tone and that wax to fix in your brows always messes up shadows I applied on brows. I can still use shadows as eyeshadow, so it's not complete waist :). I take eyebrows very seriously.

Enough about products I don't like!
Have you tried any of these products? Did you like/dislike them? Why?


  1. Aw what a shame you didn't like that NYX palette.. it's so pretty too look at! Although I've heard bad things about it before which is what's stopped me from buying it too!
    A shame you didn't like any of those mascaras! I really like the Essence one, but that's just me! Like you said, everyone is different! Hope you find the perfect one soon! :)

    1. Yeah, it's just pretty to look at, but completely useless, unfortunatelly!
      I mean, Essence one is not bad mascara, but it really sticks my lashes together. Annoying. I am sure I will! ;)
      Thank you for commenting! Xx

  2. Tole maskaro Maybelline The falsies volum' express sem imela tudi jaz in me je tudi razočarala.

    1. Res ne vem, kaj vidijo drugi na njej! Hvala za komentar Mateja!

  3. Jaz sem trenutno na tej Essence maskari, pa mi ustreza :)
    Edino krtačke se še zmeraj bojim, ker je tako velika.

    1. Super, da ti! Haha, krtačka je res gromozanska. Mislm, da mam prekratke trepalnice zanjo :D
      Hvala za komentar ;)

  4. This is a great post, your saving a lot of ladies money lol. I haven't tried the nyx palette but I remember trying a similar one years ago, your description of vaseline with glitter in it, hit the nail lol. I did have a maybelline falsies mascara but in England and I'm sure elsewhere we had two different formulas so I'm not sure which one I used but it had slightly different packaging to yours and it worked quite well on my lashes, xoxo.

    1. You're welcome!
      Hah, it's true - vaseline with glitter lol! It's possible that there are different formulations indeed. Good that it worked for you!
      Thank you for commenting! xo

  5. volim ovakve postove, dobro je nekom pomoći savjetom da neke stvari ipak preskoči ;)

    1. Super, me veseli, da je v pomoč! ;) Hvala za komentar!

  6. Replies
    1. Običajno imam dve do tri, ampak sem v fazi iskanja nove, tako, da se jih je nabralo ;)

  7. Se popolnoma strinjam glede Maybelline maskare. Res ne razumem, kaj bi naj bilo tako dobrega na njej, da jo vse hvalijo :)

    1. Me veseli, da nisem edina! :D Hvala za komentar!

  8. I have only heard good things about MUA Pro-brow. I've never used make up on my brows, but I've recently thought I should try. I might not try MUA now (not many of their products have worked well for me either, their liquid liner? Terrible!), so is there one you could recommend?

    Great post, lovely!
    Mia xo

    1. I love using regular eyeshadows with grey undertones. I love Catrice absolute eyeshadow in Starlight expresso. It is really awesome to me! Or maybe try brow pencils. I also like to use the one from Catrice.

      Thank you!

  9. I love the MUA Primer but I completely agree on the NYX glitter. I have it in a black and silver version and its shockingly bad!


    1. Good it works for you! I know right! IWhat were they thinking about creating this palettes!
      Thank you !


  10. I read a bad review about that nyx glitter palette a while back. Have you tried the essence eyeshadow primer, I got it in a swap and I think it's pretty good keeps my eyeshadow in place a good 6 hours :) x

    1. I guess no one is liking nyx glitter palette ;)
      Yes, I have I <3 stage from Essence and it's a really good one! I dig it!
      Thank you for commenting! x

  11. Nič od tega nisem probala. Se mi pa zdi, da ima Essence vedno velike krtačke, vsah tiste maskare, ki sem jih jaz probala. Sem mislila testirati tudi to, ampak zdaj me je malo odvrnilo.

    1. Mogoče bo pa tebi ok! Meni so velike krtačke preštoraste, ker nimam skoraj nič trepalnic in potem težko pridem blizu :)

  12. The NYX primer was a fail for me as well. I'm still hunting for a good eyeshadow primer for my oily lids!

    1. Oily lids are a b*tch ;) good look with that! Thank you! x

  13. Čau, hvala za post :)
    Kar se pa maskare tiče, jaz sem 9 mescev nazaj probala tole:
    In je res topšit! Kupla sem jo v Mullerju, cena cca 32-35 eur ampak jo imam res že 9 mesecev mažem se pa 2x na dan. Waterproof sem pa vzela, ker mi zelo odgovarja na fitnesu, nikoli ne pusti madežev ali karkoli, res priporočam!
    Lep pozdrav,

    1. Zgleda kr kul. Me veseli, da ti odgovarja. Drugače pa je maskaro priporočljivo menjat na 3 mesece, ker je lahko super leglo za bakterije.
      Hvala za komentar in lep pozdrav tudi tebi ;)

  14. Deja totally agree with you about the Nyx base. Didn't care for it. Also hate the Falsies mascara. "Clumsy" is the perfect word to describe it.

    1. Yes, nyx base is horrid and falsies is one of the worst mascaras ever. Too bad they didn't work out.
      Thank you for commenting! xo
