
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kahne Witch Hazel face tonic REVIEW

I can't believe I haven't introduce you to my favourite face tonic yet: Kahne Witch Hazel tonic. I mentioned it few times before, but never done full review on it. Well, let's fix that ;)

I heard that witch hazel toners are mild and suitable for sensitive skin, which I totally have. I originally wanted to buy Witch hazel tonic off eBay, but I did a little research and wanted to know if I can get alcohol free witch hazel tonic in Slovenia. And I found it in Drugstore Tuš and Mercator.

Toner comes in 200 ml plastic bottle, which has small opening on the top, so you can control how much product to use. I use it in my day and night skin care routine, sometimes I even clean my face with it after a workout. I've used it also on other people before applying moisturizer and makeup. Everyone said it feels really nice and fresh. To me it smells like a really fresh cleaner, it's not unpleasant, but it's not the best either.

I put some product on cotton round and wipe my face with it. This tonic has hydrating and soothing effect and acts against dry, stressed, sensitive skin lacking moisture. It leaves the skin softer, smoother and regulated its pH balance. I feel like it really brings back moisture to my face and tightens my pores. The best part is that it doesn't contain any alcohol, so you can use it around your eyes, it doesn't irritate them at all. It also helps to remove last traces of makeup.

What it says on the bottle:
- mildly cleanses very sensitive skin,
- calms red and irritated skin,
- astringent effect, tightens pores,
- refreshes skin and restores its moisture,
- also suitable for cleansing the eye area.

Ingredients: Aqua, Hamamelis Virginiana Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Tilia Cordata Extract.

The only downside is that it could be available in more stores. I can only get it in one store in my home town.

I highly suggest you get this tonic, especially if you have sensitive skin and want really gentle skin care. I'm already on my 4th or 5th bottle ;). Price is around 4 - 5 €.

You can also check out their site here:

Have you tried this or any similar product? Will you buy it?


  1. Hvala za tole, bom preizkusila :) Ravno iščem nekaj, ker moj tea tree ni več tok učinkovit in mi je škoda 10€ :)

    1. Res je top shit tale tonik ;) Prosim in hvala tebi za komentar! ;)

  2. Vedno, kadar sem v Tuš Drogeriji gledam to znamko in razmišljam, kaj bi vzela, pa potem nikoli nič ker nisem prebrala še nobene ocene... Drugič vzamem ta tonik! :))

    1. No, zdaj jo imaš ;) Le probaj in povej, kako se ti zdi!
      Hvala za komentar!

  3. Tale tonik je tudi moja stalnica že kakšno leto in pol. Najbolj všeč mi je, ker nima izrazitega vonja in ne vsebuje alkohola tako, da ga lahko veselo uporabljam tudi okoli oči.

    1. Ja, točno to! Še zadnje sledi maskare odstrani! Tudi moja stalnica je že kakšne pol leta ;)
      Hvala za komentar!

  4. O, to je pa od moje skor sosede. :D
    Imam kar nekaj kremic in podobnih stvari od nje v omari, tko da je res že cajt, da jih sprobam. :D

    1. A res? :) Ja le dej. Js sm trenutno samo tale tonik probala, bi pa še kaj ;)
      Hvala za komentar!

  5. Bo potrebno malo pokukat v Tuš Drogerijo :) Sliši se že super

    1. Js bom šla pa v mercator po novo flaško... ali dve ;)
      Hvala za komentar
