
Friday, May 3, 2013

Essence Stay matt Lip cream REVIEW

I know you've probably read a lot reviews on Essence Lip creams and now it's my turn to shine :)

So, I have 2 shades: 03 Soft nude and 04 Silky red. 

Packaging is the same as their Stay with me Longlasting lipglosses, plastic, 0.13 fl. oz./4ml. You apply them with the applicator, which is the same as lip gloss applicator. The only thing I don't like about the packaging is that writing will scratch off if you are wearing it a lot in your purse or makeup bag.

Now to the product itself. Texture is creamy, soft, leaves a soft matte finish. It doesn't dry off your lips, but I recommend using scrub on your lips before applying it, because matte lip products will show dead skin on your lips (little bit of olive oil and sugar and scrub for a minute ;)). They don't smudge, but if lipstick easily bleeds on you, apply (invisible) lip liner to prevent that.

Application is easy, in my opinion is easier to apply it than regular lipstick. It will stay on your lips for few hours, probably doesn't survive a meal, so you need to reapply it. You basically need only one coat, because they are super pigmented as you can see in picture below.

They only have 4 colours to choose from. We should sign a petition for Essence to make more colours, because these products are beautiful and cheap - 2,19 €. I bought mine in Mueller drugstore.

Essence also released 2 new lip cream shades in their Guerilla Gardening collection and I bought 01 Mission flower yesterday, which I'm completely in love with. But, I think that texture is slightly different. It's not as full coverage as other two, but it's buildable and I think it gives more shiny finish, although it's still on matte side (does this make sense? :D). Anyways, I forgive you for your mistakes, because you're beautiful!

Soft nude & Mission flower

Have you tried Stay matt lip creams? How do you like them?


  1. Pretty colours! And wow, the stay matt lip creams are super pigmented. I need to have a look at those! It's been a while since I visited the essence counter :)


    1. You need to check them out, they are amazing ;)
      Thank you for commenting X

  2. Jaz sem ga kupila v isti barvi - Silky Red. Se mi zdi da, ko se posuši na ustnicah, se spremeni v prah in gre dol ob dotiku. To je edini minus. Drugače pa se popolnoma strinjam za večjo izbiro barv:)

    1. A res? Meni se to đe ni zgodilo. Jap, več barv bi bilo super ;)

  3. Jaz imam pozitivne izkušnje :) In še največji plus je ta, da ni testirano na živalih - bravo Essence! ;)

    1. O, seveda, saj načeloma samo tako kozmetiko kupujem ;)
      Hvala za komentar

  4. These looks lovely, super pigmented. x

    1. And they also are lovely and pigmented ;) Thank you X

  5. Že odkar cem za nih, govorim, da bom kupila rdečega. Pa vedno rečem, da "drugič". *sigh*

  6. Zadnje čase razmišljam, da bi vzela še oba nude odtenka, čeprav znajo nekateri nude odtenki na meni izgledati grozni, ampak mi je zelo všeč njihova formula. Mission Flower pa sem že imela v košarici, ampak sem ga potem dala nazaj. Res ne vem, zakaj, izjemno lep je in podobne barve največ nosim zadnje čase.

    1. Mislim, da je tale Soft nude kr kul nude odtenek in pomoje bi ti pasal. Hvala za komentar ;)

  7. joj, sad mi se čini da sam stvarno jedina na svijetu koja nije uzela barem jedno ovo 'kremilo' ;)

    1. hehe. Čas je, da jih kupiš :P Hvala za komentar ;)

  8. Replies
    1. Yes they are ;) Thank you for commenting.

  9. Waw, tistale roza je tako lepa! Upam, da jo še imajo.

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Saj so jo šele začel prodajat, bi še mogl met ;)
      Hvala za komentar
