
Monday, March 18, 2013

Go away winter!

I wanted to post a review today, but I wasn't in the mood to write it, so I decided to scare the sh*t out of winter, becase I'm sick and tired of this weather, it's time to greet spring! And last few days weren't really spring-y ... So today's post is a total "joke", you know me and my love for doing crazy makeup looks ;).

At the beginning of February we had Mardi Gras/masquerade/carnival thing, similar to Halloween. This "holiday" is meant to say goodbye to winter and say hello to spring. I posted pictures on my Twitter and Facebook, so I decided to do it here as well ;)

First look I did on Saturday (Feb 9th) and the second on Tuesday (Feb 12th).

 Can you tell I'm a big Johnny Depp fan?


 This was my inspiration for weekly tag disco theme. ;)

Hope you're having a lovely Monday despite the weather.


  1. Se pridružujem, naj gre zima čim prej stran! I need Spring and sun!

  2. Vsec mi je :-)
    Pomojem smo vsi ze siti zime :-) upam da bo kmalu boljše in bolj spirit up vreme :-)

  3. I'm so loving this blogpost!!
    I hope you scared the winter away because I'm sick of it too ugh
    I love your poses in these photos! And the blood on your hands just finishes the whole look ;)


  4. Oba looka sta super, crazy good :D Pa vidim, da maš ta lepo sliko od Johnnya (za klavirjem) *fouš* ;)

  5. Sporoči če bo delovalo :) Drugače pa sta oba super, kapo dol :)

  6. Much agreed, I'm so sick of the cold too! Bring in the spring please!
    And btw, you have some really nice makeup skills!

  7. Deja you are hilarious!!! Both looks are AWESOME. And I love Johnny Depp, too ;-)
    Happy Spring, beautiful girl!

  8. Mislim, da ti uspeva! Sonce je posijalo in o snegu ne duha ne sluha :D

  9. Please bring back Spring Weather! lol. Your make up is amazing like usual, totally love the first one especially, xxx.

  10. Ta druga slikca je pa res grozna! Upam, da jo bo zima vidla. :D

  11. Woow, prva je noro dobra! in tudi jaz sem za, da gre zima daleč vstran. In se vrne decembra.

  12. Thanks girlies for awesome comments! ;) I think it's working!! ;))

  13. Thank you for commenting girls!! ;) Xo
