
Monday, January 7, 2013

Well, hello there 2013!

I usually never set any New Year resolutions, just because I believe you don't need new year, 1st of the month, tomorrow or Monday to start changing things. All you need is you, little bit of will and you can start changing right away :). But I guess resolutions give people hope.
I decided to set some goals/guidelines (this word always reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean:P) to act in a certain way. But you can call them resolutions if you like :). And usually when you write something publicly you are more likely to do so. I think ^^

Love this "Declaration of Intention" New Year's Resolution Poster
Source: Pinterest.

1. I wish to be more organized in my life in just about everything. I wish to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. I actually like early mornings if I had a good night sleep. If I wake up late I lose my motivation for the day, in few hours it's already hard to take pictures for blog (in the winter time though). Also, I wish to be more organized around my blog. And stop doing things last minute. It's just a bad habit. Day has 24 hours, use them fully and wisely. Oh, yeah, and check out your emails before you have 300 unread massages. True story :)

2. Continue to live healthy - eat clean and train hard :). I had some not so great eating periods in 2012, but healthy lifestyle is for life, so falls are normal. They were not failures, just lessons :). This year I'll educate myself even more about nutrition, I'm aiming for defined abs and reduce my cellulite to minimum. I just have to get rid of my stubborn fat, easy peasy :P. Also, I would like to be able to do proper one leg squats, pull ups on a pull up bar and do a complete head stand (yoga).

3. Take better care of my skin and maybe go to a cosmetologist. I'm guilty of touching my face and just messing around with my skin in general. I just never learn. As a beauty and health blogger I just can't afford that. I only have one skin and as I always say: better to prevent (scaring) than to heal. And stop biting skin around my nails would be great, too :).

4. Finish Uni. I've been extending my last year of Uni for two years now. Never ending story. My goal is to do all assignments until April, so I can enjoy the rest of the Uni year (and the rest of the year) not thinking about it.

5. Main reason why I want to finish Uni until then is because I'm going to IMATS London this year. It's in June and I'm super excited about just thinking of it :). I guess this is my motivation to study hard :). I would like to go see other places, too.

6. Another goal is to be more creative. I already started drawing again last year, keep on doing that! Maybe try painting, do more DIYs,  learn how to crochet ... There's many more things I'd like to do, so I'll do it this year :).

Don't wish for 2013 to be a good year, make it a good year!!


  1. upam, da boš dosegla svoje cilje :) xx

  2. nadam se da ćeš sve ovo i ostvarit :D
    i ja sam jedna od onih koje sve čine u zadnji tren... ali sve mi se čini da ću tako nastavit i dalje ;)

    1. jaz sem odločena,da to spremenim! :)
      hvala za komentar :)

  3. A lahko grem na IMATS s tabo? ;P
    Jaz sem tudi najprej mislila napisati sklepe za to leto, ampak sem se potem odločila, da ne bom. Ko si bom kaj zamislila, da moram narediti/spremeniti ... bom to naredila. Iz lastne izkušnje lahko povem, da določanje nekih datumov pomeni samo odlašanje in na koncu lahko tudi pomeni, da tega ne storiš. Imam pa letos namen diplomirati, ker je že čas za to. Pa začela sem polniti kozarec z dobrimi stvarmi, ki se mi bodo zgodile to leto, za motivacijo. :D
    Je pa zanimivo brati take poste. :D

    1. Lahko :)
      saj ni določanje datumov, ampak golov. Drugače pa se popolnoma strinjam, lahko začneš spreminjati takoj, saj sem to tudi napisala :)
      Je kar zanimivo brati, kakšne gole imajo ljudje :)
      Hvala za komentar

  4. O ja, tudi jaz si moram urediti moj sleeping schedule. Kar ne moram se spraviti pred drugo/tretjo uro spat. :S

    1. Js mam probleme samo odkar sem se preselila nazaj domov. Pa zdj pozimi preveč spim, ker je itak skos tema. lol :D
      Hvala za komentar

  5. neka ti se sve želje i ostvare. neke na popisu imamo iste :)

  6. Deja, with your incredible determination you'll definitely achieve your goals! Girl, I've named you My Best Blogger Friend in my Share the Love Post, come check it out, cuz you've been tagged;-)

    1. You just brought me to tears (tears of joy, of course :)). thank you thank you thank you. You are such a beautiful person, always make my day <3
      Just checking it out ;)

  7. I wish you to acomplish all your goals that you set for this year!Well,I know you will do it! I wish I can be more organised as well,sometimes I just get distracted so easy :)And I really want to start working out at least few times a week:)

    1. I am actually starting this year with a very clean room, which I think is one of aspects of being organized. I'm truly determined, so I will not fail :)
      Thank you for commenting :) :*

  8. I hope you can accomplish all your goals! I'm jealous of you, going to imats london!! I want to go too!! I share all your goals, especially number 2! It's important to take care of our bodies:)

