
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to have an amazing year/life

Perfect time to write this post! :)
I think we have all reached a rock bottom at some point when nothing seems to be going according to our plan, we become grumpy, people around us are unhappy, we are unhappy, stressed, we start hoping for better life. Today, my friend, I will introduce you some ways how to be a happier person and how to attract good things in your life.

Don't sweat the small stuff and keep an open mind...change is a necessary FORCE
Source: Pinterest

1. Start your day right: count your blessings. Feeling of gratitude is one of the most powerful practices you can do. When you are grateful with what you already have (family, love, friends, health, money, work, relationships, passion, happiness, love, life, nature, material goods), no matter how small it may be, you will see those things increase in your life. And this will lead you to happiness. When you are happy and positive, people around you will be happy and you will attract only good things. Start your sentence: "I'm truly thankful/grateful/blessed to have _(what?)__ because _(why?)__". Try to really feel it - you can write it down or just go through them in your mind, I recommend doing that in the morning, so you'll start your day right :). And one more thing, there's no such thing as too much gratefulness.

Count Your Blessings lyrics
Source: Pinterest

2. Love yourself. Not in a narcissistic way - there is a HUGE difference between confident/feeling good in your own skin and "egoistic lovers" (everyone has 2 aspects of themselves: Soul and Ego, but that could be long discussion, maybe next time :)). Once you accept yourself the way you are, other people will start falling in love with you AND because I'm such a fitness freak, loving yourself is a good point when your body is more capable of changing (great, ay? :)) It all starts in your own head actually. The longest relationship you have to have your whole life is with yourself, if you can't stand yourself, no one else will. That's why is so important to have healthy relationship with yourself. Exercise you can do: start repeating in your head "I love myself" and "I appreciate myself.", try to really feel it. It really doesn't take any time, since you can do it wherever and you can do it up to 300 times a day (constantly repeating in your mind). And work on yourself, maybe meditate, go for a walk, talk to yourself ... Just be kind to yourself.

Love yourself
Source: Pinterest

3. Never do anything you wouldn't want to happen to you. In other words: dear friend, karma is a bitch, because what goes around comes around. Be a good person, be good to other people, and most importantly be good to animals and nature, they need love too. Don't steal, lie, litter, gossip, fight and other bad stuff ... So we will all end up in heaven :P

Source: Pinterest

4. Another good point is, don't sweat the small stuff ... and it's all small stuff!! Just stop worrying so much, calm down, slow yourself, enjoy the moment, don't stress, inhale deeply, exhale fully, just relax ... It's not even that hard when you stop being so stubborn and stop telling yourself you can't control your life. Guess what, you "wear" your brain, you are not on an autopilot! Life is (pardon my French) f*cking beautiful, don't waste it being worried and stressed. Be happy <3. You can try to meditate, go for a walk, dance, sing, clean ... try to do anything that relaxes you and calms you mind.

Source: Pinterest

And remember - man becomes what he thinks about.

Make this year the most amazing year of your life ever!! Enjoy life! Happy New Year! :)


  1. Some really lovely tips there Deja!
    Happy New Year :)

  2. Odlični nasveti, v tem trenutku jih krvavo potrebujem. :) In upam, da se uresniči tvoje voščilo - da 2013 postane odlično leto. Vse dobro tudi tebi, Deja. <3

    1. Ne odlično, najboljše! :)
      Me veseli, da ti kakorkoli pomagajo!

  3. This is an amazing post my dear and I couldn't agree more with every single thing you wrote.Positive thinking can really change your life for better,it can change everything!!

  4. Super post <3 Vse dobro v letu 2013 tudi tebi :)

  5. Love your attitude! <3 =)
    Srečno novo leto tudi tebi Deja! =)

  6. Še kako je res, vse kar si napisala. Zelo dobro. Tudi slikice so z luštnimi mislimi.

  7. Replies
    1. Pa upam, da ne pride prav samo na začetku leta :)

  8. I love this post!! I agree with absolutely everything :D Let's make this a great year!!! Ixxx

    1. It already is a great year! :)
      Glad you like it <3 xx

  9. This was such a great post! I'm so glad I've found your blog :) x

    1. I'm glad you did too ! :)
      Happy you like it <3

  10. kok dobr si napisala, super! <3

  11. Karma, I'm such a strong believer and you are so right about it! Also I seriously need to take to heart, don't sweat the small stuff. I need to stop worrying so much!

    1. Everything you do, comes back to you, good or bad. Maybe try to meditate. It can help you <3
      Thank you for commenting x

  12. Tale post mi je ravno na kožo pisan!

  13. What a motivational post! Filled with truth. Not only did you say the right things, you also said them the right way. You're an amazing writer :)
    And I love the last quote! Man become what he thinks about. Completely true :)

