
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Books that changed my life for better. Literally.

And I'm not even exaggerating.
I promised to introduce you to some books (and I mention some movies, too) that changed my life. They helped me to grow as a person, heal me mentally and physically, I started achieving my goals ... taught me to love my life. Every bit of it.
Let's just start with the post already, Deja :) ...

That is one dirty closet door! And crazy hair. ^^

1. Maybe you have maybe you haven't heard of the Law of Attraction. It was unfamiliar term for me until I watched movie The Secret. It's basically a documentary, that introduces you to basic information what law of attraction is about. It's a good starting point, but it doesn't teach you or show you much in depth how to use law of attraction. You'll realize that everything in life (bad, good and ugly) happens because you attracted that in your life. It's hard to swallow at first, but once you start accepting that and start thinking positive thoughts and become grateful for every little thing in your life, your life will turn upside down ...
Movie is based on a book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, she also produced the movie. The book has maybe few more stories and more examples, other than that is basically the same. 

Conclusion: movie and book basically the same, good starting point to get introduced to the law of attraction, I recommend movie, but if you also read a book, it won't harm you ;)

2. Second book from the same author I highly recommend is The Magic. This is no ordinary book. It has 28 chapters, you read one chapter per day, because one chapter means one exercise you have to do that day (each exercise is fully explained with examples). It start with "count you blessings" (how and what to be grateful for), "magic rock", "magical relationships", "magical health", "magic money", "have a magical day" ... you get the picture. After 28 days you will have all the information you need to know to have a magic life and you can do and achieve amazing things. You start achieving them in the process already though :).

Conclusion: let's 28 day magic begin, it's a must have

3. Just recently I've read The Law of Attraction: Basic teachings of Abraham from Esther and Jerry Hicks. Esther is translating from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham. Jerry is asking all sort of questions and Abraham answers. It's much more in depth version of Law of Attraction then the Secret. All your questions are probably answered in this book AND it introduces you to other universal laws. The day I finished reading this book which was borrowed from a library, I bought a copy for myself. It's just one of those books you re-read numerous times and always get more from it. I like having my own copy because I like highlighting and marking quotes, sentences, things that seem important to me. 

Conclusion: in depth Law of Attraction experience, get your own copy, so you re-read answers you forget

4. Now, let's move a little bit away from Law of Attraction. Books that will teach you about life in general, the power of positive affirmations, how to love and heal yourself are all books from Louise L. Hay. This amazing lady has written many inspirational books, they can totally change your mental state of mind. And she had some rough times in her life - sexual abuse, had to give her child for adoption, cancer ... I own Heal your life, you get to know everything about life, experiences and how to work on yourself. I've also read Life! Reflections On Your Journey, borrowed from library. In this book she deals with growing up, relationships, work, health, spirituality, aging, death ... How to overcome any problems in your life and what LIFE is all about (you know that thing in between your birth and death).
She has over 20 books and is still active (she is 86 years old!), including books with just positive affirmations for every day. Here is about Louise on wikipedia: click.
Watch a movie You Can heal your life on YouTube: click or with Serbian subtitles: click.

Conclusion: get all her books, you won't regret it! :)

5. Last, but definitely not least, is book from the toughest fitness trainer and life couch Jillian Michaels: Unlimited: How to build an exception life. This was actually my first "serious" book I've read in English, as a slow reader I read it in 2 days, I think that tells you how amazing it is :). And I absolutely adore how she writes! What is book about, you ask?
Lose the chains ... There's an anecdote I came across in a self- help book years ago that I have never forgotten:
A father and his young son are at the circus. The son sees a huge elephant shackled with flimsy, rusted chains. Turning to his dad, the boy asks, "Isn't that elephant strong enough to break free from those chains?"
"Of course he is," his father answered. "It's just that he's been chained like that since he was too small and weak to break free, and now he doesn't know the difference."
I hate to say it but, buddy, you are the elephant in this story.
You can leave the job you hate, You can leave the alcoholic spouse. You can go back to school. Want to know what's holding you back? Absolutely nothing but you. - from chapter 6, "Get an Attitude Adjustment".

Conclusion: really engaging writing, I found it better than book The Secret (oops), READ IT!

I suggest you get all this books, you can borrow them, but I prefer having my own copies, I can re-read whatever I want at 3AM at night if I want t, to lift me up whenever I feel down, and because I like to mark/highlight important points. 

All English books were bought on Book Depository (I search on and then you're redirected to Book Depository).
Slovenian books were bought: Svet Knjige, Felix or somewhere else (just google it to find the cheapest version ;)).

Have you read any of them? I would love if you recommend me some books in the comment section!!


  1. Jst sem za 1x prebrala samo 2 knjigi na to temo, in sicer obe od Dobre vile Maje: Čarobnost življenja inIz uma v srce. Sem si pa tudi jst kupila svoji, ker tudi jst rada podčrtujem pomembne stvari v knjigi ;-)
    Priporočam branje :-)

  2. Super duper post! Lahko bi ti tak seznam napisala, da bi te na rit vrglo pa sem se odločila za moje najljubše ;) Torej: karkoli od Walscha, tudi film je posnet. Ne vem točno naslova :) karkoli od Echarta Tolleja. On se loti razprave o Egu in meni osebno odlično predstavi. Priporočam v slovenščini ker ni najlažja tematika, sploh ko se ego začne upirat in noče sodelovati pri branju :) potem pa še malo v zgodbe zavite skrivnosti, ki dajo misliti: Imenovali so jo Dvoje src in Celestinska prerokba, Jonatan Livingstone Galeb, Starec in morje :) in pa moja najnaj od Newtona: Potovanje duš in nadaljevanje: Usoda duš:) mogoče si že kaj od tega brala:) si me pa navdušila za MOČ :) si jo bom šla iskat. Nekaj podobnega je Kojcev Učbenik življenja :) oh, sem se razpisala, pa sem res želela biti kratka :)

    Veselimo se novega bloga! Radi te beremo in radi temamo :*

    Kejt ;)

    1. Si mi že nekaj knjig predlagala :) O Ego in Duši sem brala v Drgulj je v tebi, super branje :)
      Rada mam dolge komentarje, daj si duška! :D
      Hvala za komentar! :*

  3. This is an amazing post!As you already know,The Secret is one of my all time fav books,and so is 'The Power',read it if you haven't already.I just have to find 'The Magic'.And I have to agree,these kind of books can be life changing,make us stop for a bit and be thankful for all the amazing things we have in our life,and in the same way open our mind and heart to even more great things we can attract to our life:)And nothing is impossible!

    1. These books are such an incredible gift to the people <3
      I still need to read The Power tho :)
      Glad you liked the post :*

  4. Nice post! I gave The Secret to my sister because I thought that it was a book that she would like. She liked it so much. I also have to read more. I don't read at all. When I was younger I was reading more. So maybe it is time to start reading again. I will definitely read one of the books!



    1. And be amazed how they'll change your life ;) <3
      Thank you for commenting Xx

  5. Okay, your type of books are my type of books lol, its difficult finding another person who shares the same interests in this type of reading material. It was a Chaldean numerology reader that recommended The Law of Attraction to me around 3 years ago, xoxo.

    1. Oh, yes it is. And some people just read them and don't take anything from them. This books are just amazing, I think everyone should read them
      Thank you for commenting.

  6. Love this post!! I really do! I'm going to write down all these books immediately! It's also nice that you've mentioned what the books are about, so it's easier for us to make a selection which one suits us best! I'm really curious about The Magic, I'll definitely look that one up.
    Great to see which books inspire(d) you :) My personal favourite is 7 Habits of Highly Effective People of Stephen Covey. I can really recommend that one!


    1. Glad you like it! Of course I had to write what are the book about, everyone could just write a list of the books, but that wouldn't be interesting ;)
      Will write this one down and read it after exams are over :)
      Thank you Xx

  7. Evo, sem si naslove prepisala na listek, zdej jih pa sam še dol potegnem/kupim in jih začnem brat. Hvala za tale super post! :)

    1. Super!! Naj ti pomagajo :)
      Hvala za komentar <3

  8. Wau, na prvi fotki si pa top!
    Kar se pa knjig tiče, bi si pa od teh najbolj želela prebrat knjigo od Jillian Michaels..glede na to, kakšen attitude ima v videih, je po mojem tud knjiga super - zihr dobiš ful motivacije in novega vpogleda..

    1. Heh, hvala :)
      Jill ma res super način pisanja, drugače so pa vse knjige vredne branja :)

  9. I'm always on the lookout for new books :) These look really good, I'm going to try pick a couple up xxx

    1. Do that, you won't regret reading any of these :)
      Thank you X

  10. I've never read any of these, but I'll definitely keep my eyes out! It's really amazing the power that a book has to change our life! :)

    1. Yes, books are amazing. Thank you for reading X

  11. Prebrala sem samo secret, ampak jo bom morala še enkrat, ker je takrat šlo "skozi eno uho noter in skozi drugo ven". :) Naslednjo na spisku pa imam namen prebrati The Magic. Hvala za tole, definitivno potrebujem nekaj dobrih knjig v mojem življenju trenutno :)

  12. zivljenje je tvoja je moja najljubša od teh. <3

  13. Great informative post. I've got the secret to read. Loved The Celestine Prophecy second time I read it. Have added the others to my wishlist.

    1. Glad you find it informative and useful! I still need to read the one you mentioned. Thank you for reminding me ;)
