
Friday, October 5, 2012

Giveaway time! Open internationally

Hello, beautiful people!
Not so long ago I've reached 100 GFC followers on my blog. I was so happy, still am! :)
I want to thank you for following my blog, thank you for encouraging comments, you inspire me to keep writing and sharing my passion with you, thank you for chatting with me on Twitter, thank you for everything basically. I feel like I have new friends and I wish I could just hug you all, but I'll have to say my "thank you" with an international giveaway :)

So, what are the prizes you ask?

- Catrice Ultimate colour lipstick in 130 Frozen Rose (because I love their lipsticks so much!)
- Catrice Nail polish in 070 Caught on the red carpet (every girl should have red polish! :))
- Essence pigments in 02 Smell the caramel, 18 Little mermaid, 20 Black Sparrow (because I freakin' love those pigments!)
- + a little surprise! ;)

If you'd like to win, please fill in the Rafflecopter form below!

You have to be a GFC follower, I will check!
And you have to leave an email address, so I can email you back if you win.
You can also enter with bonus entries named in Rafflecopter.

This giveaway is open internationally, it starts today, Friday, October 5th 2012 and it ends in 4 weeks time, on Friday, November 2nd 2012 at midnight. Winner will be chosen randomly.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the 100 followers!
    What a lovely giveaway!!
    I love your makeup posts and I hope to see more of them! (But I don't think I should worry about that :))


  2. Čestitke za toliko spremljevalcev in želim ti jih še mnogo mnogo več. Za giveaway si pa izbrala same super stvari. :)

  3. Bom delila še po svojih socialnih mrežah :)

  4. Congrats on 100 followers :) x

  5. Čestitam za 100 followers! Sem prepričana, da jih boš v prihodnosti imela še veliko, veliko več. :)

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  6. Čestitke za 100 (zdaj že 118) sledilcev, si jih res zaslužiš :* Sicer pa imaš super blog, čudoviti mejkapi, super recepti in nasveti, bi pa kdaj še nohte rada videla (ne morem iz svoje kože hehe :D)

  7. Čestitke za 100 spremljevalcev!
    Super giveaway :D

  8. I just started following you, I love your eyes and colorful make up!

  9. Iskrene čestitke za uspešno bloganje. Naj bo v bodočnosti še uspešneje in naj prinese še več sledilcev! :) V štirimestnih številkah, ker si jih resnično zaslužiš s svojimi enkratnimi veščinami ličenja.

  10. Coongrats on your followers and I wish you many many more! You deserve them, becuase you do such gorgeous make-up looks!! That's why I love your blog ;)

  11. Congrats! I just found your blog and Im glad I did! ^^

  12. čestitke za followerje! in super giveaway :)

  13. Just found your blog via #bbloggers thank you so much for sending me the link -really looking forward to reading more of it as it looks right up my street.


  14. Čestitke za 100 sledilcev in seveda da jih bo še mnogo videlo tvoje čudovite kreacije

  15. Nice giveaway dear,wish you lots and lots more followers!

  16. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win products from my favourite brand Catrice! :)

  17. Čestitke!! Prva stotka je res nekaj posebnega - sumim, da se boš kmalu veselila tisočice ;))

  18. Congrats on 100 followers! I love the look of these prizes ive never tried these brands xx

  19. Congrats on 100 followers... any many more to come! xx

  20. Congrats on the 100 followers!! :):) Ixx

  21. that red shade of polish is really nice!

  22. Such a lovely giveaway, congrats on 100 followers!

    I'm doing a MAC MAKEUP giveaway on my blog if you want to have a look? :) xx

  23. silly me, thinking i already followed you! such a good blog to read, looking forward to the weekly makeup tags!


  24. Congrats on reaching 100 followers! You'll definitely be getting a lot more - your blog is lovely! :D
    Amazing giveaway as well :)

  25. Great giveaway,well done on surpassing 100 followers! :)

  26. I am a new follower, but I have already seen most of the posts of your blog and I have to say: I love them! They're so captivating and you seem so nice :)
    Congrats for the 100 followers, you will soon reach the 200! :)

  27. čestitke na toj velikoj brojci!

  28. Congratulations, 100 is such a great milestone! And you've already well exceeded it :) xx
