
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Favourite makeup remover

This post is kinda silly, because my makeup remover is not really a cosmetic product, but works so well for my sensitive skin. I've tried every makeup remover there is.. Well, a lot, but most of them clogged my pores or haven't removed my makeup completely, which caused me sore eyes sometimes. Let's see what my magic product is.

I use regular extra virgin olive oil. Yup, that's my secret.

I put it on my hand first and go over my eyes and all over my face to soften the makeup. Then I put it a little bit on a cotton bud and go all over my face. I make sure it's completely removed. Then I wash my face with lukewarm water, pat it dry with paper towel and that's it.

I pour it in to smaller container and have it in my bathroom. I prefer using bio extra virgin olive oil.

Afterwards I do my regular skin care routine, but this will be covered in another post.

What do you use to remove your makeup?


  1. I have been using the oil which came with Glossy Box the other month and am really loving oils at the moment. This is really interesting though and a much cheaper alternative to the expensive oils out there my only concern would be if I used it regularly my skin may break out but its good to hear that you have not had any problems.

    beckys makeup

    1. Molecules of olive oil are too big to clog your pores. There are some people who can get breakout, but luckily I'm not one of them :)

  2. Hja, jaz sem do zdaj makeup odstranjevala kar z baby robčki... Pred kratkim pa sem se odločila, da rabim nekaj boljšega in sem zato kupila kar 3 različne odstranjevalce. Ocene bodo sledile, ko jih malo bolje preizkusim. :)

    1. Meni baby robčki niso odstranili vsega.. Je pa res, da nosim dosti čnrega linerja in maskare.. Samo razmazali so mi vse.
      Oh well :)

  3. Such a good trick, will deffo be trying to take my makeup of with this soon! Would love it if you could take a look at my blog -
    Lucy x

    1. Well, what works for me may not work for you, but you can deffo try it out.
      Will check it out X

  4. Zanimiv način odstranjevanja make upa. Sicer pa ja, se mi zdi, da olje res najboljše deluje na odstranjevanje make upa. Jaz uporabljam dvofazni odstranjevalec. En del je narejen na oljni bazi in do sedaj je najboljši odstranjevalec, kar sem jih preizkusila.

    1. Meni dvofazni ni odstranil vsega. Ostajam pri olju :)

  5. bom kdaj preizkusla :) js mam trenutnu garnier cleansing milk in sm res zadovoljna, ne draž mi oči, pa še uredu odstran :)

  6. OMG, that's exactly what I use as well! The greatest things are the ones that are the simplest, right? I LOVE such approach;-)))

    1. Simple is always the best! At least for my skin :)

  7. Jaz trenutno uporabljam oljnati remover od Avona, sem pa že razmišljala, da bi poskusila kar olje, ko mi ga zmanjka, ker ni ravno poceni. :D
    Drugače si pa želim poskusiti tudi cleanser od Bioderme. Baje je ful dober!

    The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Od Avona sem tut js en čas uporabljala pa se mi zdi, da ni biu najboljši na moji koži. :)

  8. This is great I might just try this one! ;)
    I've got a vintage giveaway competition happening now! Come check it out?
    Erica xo

  9. Ja super :) moram preizkusit :)
