
Monday, October 1, 2012

"Cannot live without" beauty tools/products - part 1

Let's talk "beauty tools and products I use everyday" today, ladies (and gentlemen?). I realized I can't live without some of basic and not so very basic beauty tools, products, stuff ...  Let's see what they are.

1. Scissors. 

Not just any scissors. I bought salon scissors few years ago when I had straight fringe and cut it myself when it got too long. Now, when I have short(er) hair, I don't use them for cutting my hair anymore, but to trim my eyebrows. My eyebrow hair is so looong, so I comb them with little spoolie brush upwards and cut them where needed.

Also, I have really small eyes, and false lashes are always too long for me. I cut a little piece at the end of falsies to make them fit to my eyes.

2. Tweezers.

Oh, yes, tweezers. I use them of course for plucking my eyebrows and any other unwanted facial hair.
I am not very good at applying my falsies with hands, so I help myself with tweezers. Makes my life so much easier! One two three, and they are applied!

3. Ethanol/rubbing alcohol.

Well, this is not really a tool, but it's a must have for me. I don't even know when did I became such a germaphobe, but I like to disinfect tables, my computer, phone ... I even disinfect my makeup packaging and brushes. Or you can use it whenever you don't have water.
And I must not forget to mention I can fix a broken eyeshadow with it. Like a MacGyver.

4. Hand cream.

Yes, this one is obvious, to make my hand skin super soft and moisturized again, especially now as the air is getting cooler. BUT! I use it also for my hair. Say what? My hair can get really frizzy and all over the place (thank God I have shaved hair on one side :P). So I get a little pea size of hand cream in my hands, spread it a little bit in between my hands and go through my hair. It works like a gel for my hair. Just make sure, you don't use it too much.

5. Light shimmery eyeshadow.

I sold my soul to highlighters once I discovered them! I own 3 highlighters, but I always forget about them to be honest. To highlight my higher points in my face, I prefer using shimmery eyeshadows. I think I will never buy a highlighter again. Ever. Any good ones out there? :)

I could find plenty more  tools and products I use almost every day, but I think it's enough for today.
Which beauty tools/products are your "cannot live without them"? And how do you use them?

And happy October! :)


  1. Lovely post! Scissors are indeed a must have at your beauty table! I use them for every thing too, like my eyebrows etc. just like tweezers!
    I loved seeing what you can't live without haha! It made me think about my essential products too :)


    1. I meant to write just must have beauty tools, then I just realized to write everything I need almost everyday and how. ha :D
      Glad you like it hun!
