
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Better looking skin without skin care

Well, yes, of course, skin care is important, especially if you wear makeup on daily basis. I don't know about you, but my skin is so unforgiving. Sometimes, I went to bed with makeup and my skin was dry and patchy in the morning as never before. Now I always remove my makeup before bed time and my skin feels so much better and it feels refreshed. Today, I won't talk about skin care, although I mean to do that in near future, but I will talk about little things that can help your skin looking better. Hope you'll find those tips useful.

1. (As I already mentioned:) Remove you makeup before bed time. Let your skin regenerate and let it breath when you're sleeping.

2. Clean your brushes. I've seen huge difference, when I started cleaning my brushes more frequently. Before I was like: "I use the same colours all the time, face brushes are not even dirty!" But then I got so many pimples for unknown reason. With clean brushes I don't have that much pimples, so I guess dirty brushes were the reason for my breakouts. And sanitizing your makeup can help, too.

3. Clean your phone with rubbing alcohol. If you ever noticed you get breakouts only on one side of your face, it's probably because you put your dirty phone on this side. You put your phone in a hand bag, on the table, touch it with dirty hands, put it on your face, it falls on the floor etc. Can you imagine how many bacteria that is? Every night I put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton bud and clean my phone with it.

4. This one is hard for me, but I avoid touching my face. Your hands are never 100 % bacteria free, so don't touch your face when your already touched billion things.

5. This one relates to dirty hands ... Don't squeeze your pimples. If you must do it, do it the right way. Squeezing your pimples causes even more bacteria growth, damage on your skin and pain.

6. Get you hair out of your face. You put all different chemicals in your hair, you fix them with dirty hands. I know it's hard to not have any hair on your face, but then at least clean it more often and don't use too much chemicals.

7. Last but not least, change your pillow case quite often. Pillow cases are a great place for bacteria: dirty hair, makeup on your face, it touches your face ... I usually turn it on the other side when I wash my hair and change it every other time I wash it.

What are your tips and tricks for better looking skin? Share them in the comment section!

PS: You can enter my giveaway: HERE :)


  1. I noticed the same when I started washing my brushes more regularly!

  2. Great post! I am guilty for not washing my brushes often enough x

    1. I've been guilty too. Now story is a little bit different :)

  3. These are some great tips! I already do some of them and read about the others.
    I'd love to do a post about my skin care and link back to you if you don't mind!
    Erica xo

    1. Thanks! Of course I don't mind. Would love to read that X

  4. Really good tips,and they work,my skin is so sensitive,if I would go to bed with my makeup it would be a mess in the morning,and if a product isn't right it reacts right away and break out badly :(

    1. Yeah, my skin is almost the same as yours! Sensitive and can get really dry and fugly when I don't take a proper care of it! I feel you!

  5. Super nasveti! Poznam večino in jih prakticiram, ampak moja trmasta koža očitno potrebuje veliko več, ker ji niti prava nega ne pomaga in se stalno borim z vsaj nekaj mozolji. >.< Ampak enkrat se bo že nehalo, upam.

    1. Tudi jaz imam mazolje, da ne boš mislila :D
      Dosti pomaga, tudi da se sprijazniš s tem, tako se vse začne v glavi. Bom začela meditirati na čisto kožo :D

  6. super nasveti! js moram tud začet čopiče bol redno čistit. maš kakšn nasvet kako? :)

    1. Me veseli, da so ti všeč:)
      bom napisala posebej post o umivanju čopičev!

  7. Love your tips - especially agree with the hair one. People with fringes often get spots on their foreheads due to bacteria, it's important to get hair away from your face every now and then :)


    1. Glad you like them.
      Yeah, I had fringe, but didn't have so many spots on my forehead. lol :D
      Had to wash my hair every other day though...

  8. Super nasveti!
    Jaz sem prelena s čiščenjem čopičev, pa prstov ne morem držat stran od obraza, ves čas nekaj praskam pa eeeeh. :D Se bom poboljšala, ker to je tisto, kar mi res največkrat dela probleme.

    1. S praskanjem mam tut js včasih probleme. Zmer se neki šlatam po obrazu :D
      Take male stvari lahko nrdijo veliko spremembo.
      Me veseli, da so ti všeč :)

  9. great tips. Will be trying out a couple

    1. Glad you like them. Tell me how it turned out for you :) X

  10. I often forget about 2 (soooo lazy!), 3 and 7! Great tips hun, I would also add to drink plenty of water x

    1. I actually want to write another blog about good looking skin and mention food and water in this post:)
      Thanks X

  11. wow, great post, girl! I NEVER used to wash my face regularly or take my makeup off or anything- and i've definitely switched it up in the past year or so. it IS amazing how much better it feels (duh). these are great tips! i just recently cleaned my brushes, finally. The tip about not touching your face is a hard one, though!

    1. Yeah, little things really make difference!
      Glad you like it X

  12. i really can't believe that some people don't take off their makeup at night.. isn't their face dirty after all day?
    well.. love this post. nice tips.


    1. Yeah, you can see how dirty it is on your cotton bud. lol
      Glad you like them X

  13. Res moram začet čopiče bolj pogosto čistiti. Šlatanja pa praskanja po obrazu pa ne vem če bi se lahko odvadla... :D

    The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Ja, tut js se šlatam po obrazu nonstop. oh well :)
