
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Recipe: vegan ice cream/ frozen yogurt

Before summer says final goodbye I want to share simple, delicious vegan ice cream recipe. I've been making it for dinner on really hot days and whenever I needed something sweet and some food comforting :). My roommate fell in love with it and she will be probably happy about this post :D

You will need (for 2 portions):

- cashews (pre-soaked in water overnight or at least 2 hours)
- two frozen bananas (I chop them, put them in a plastic bowl and freeze them)
- frozen strawberries or any kind of berries will do
- nectarine or any kind of fresh fruit (instead of that you can also use soy or almond milk)
- *optional* agave nectar or maple syrup or stevia

You actually just put everything in the food processor (or blender or anything that mixes food :D) and mix mix mix until smooth. Consistency has to be thicker, like an ice cream.

I had to do it a bit differently, because I only have this little mixer (food processor?) and had to mix every ingredient separately. First mixed only frozen strawberries and put them in a bowl. Then cashews and put them in a bowl.

mixed strawberries and cashews

Then bananas and put them in a bowl. Then nectarine and then put everything together and mix again.

bananas in food processor

Little bit time consuming, but so worth it! :D

ice cream is served!

Nectarine actually combines all ingredients together. Instead of nectarine you can also use soy or almond milk and add just a little bit, so it doesn't get too liquidy.

Serve immediately. I have never tried to put it in a freezer, so I don't know if you can store it for later.

Try it out and let me know how it turned out!
Enjoy summer while it's still here! :)

xoxo Deja


  1. Se že slinim po tipkovnici :D Jaz ga delam podobno, z bananami, temnim kakavom in grškim jogurtom <3 Ne da se ga pa ponovno zamrzovati oziroma lahko, ampak rata trd kot kamen pa še ledeni kristalčki se tvorijo.

    1. Glej, da se računalnik ne pokvari :P Tudi jaz sem že dala gr. jogurt notri, ampak ta recept je veganski, zato sem ga spustila :) Drugače pa so ti recepti itak improliga. Vsak naj naredi po svojem okusu :))
