
Sunday, September 23, 2012

RANDOM: Autumn/fall chit chat, October plans, Halloween craziness etc.

Hello, beautiful people. Autumn is here and it's perfect time to start wearing my combat boots from London again. I've missed wearing them. However, I just don't like the fact it's already so freaking cold! I'm cold all the time, I even got sick *sigh*.

Pretty and comfy ^^

With that said, I have some exciting news (at least they are exciting to me:)): I will post a new blog post every single day in October. Whoop whoop! And I even plan to do Halloween series, at least 8 looks - full face and costume, and I will try not to buy anything new, I don't want to spend a lot of money on costumes, wigs ... Don't you LOVE Halloween? I know I DO! We don't celebrate it in Slovenia, there are just some random Halloween parties, but we don't go trick 'r treating (insert a sad face).
I already have 7 looks planned (I still need 1 idea), but I'm opened for your suggestions if there is something you would like to see me to do. Warning: I don't do sexy looks :). 

It will get crazy. I promise :D

Also, I think time around Halloween is perfect time to watch one of my favourite cartoons The Nightmare before Christmas and my favourite cartoon TV show - The Grim adventures of Billy & Mandy. I'm such a big child :)

Lastly, if you haven't noticed yet I have a new blog banner and simple white background. I think it's super pretty and the blog description "Beauty, health and everything in between." sums up my blog content. I think:). What do you think baout new design?

That's enough rambling for today. Hope you have a great Sunday and I love you all <3


  1. So excited for your October plans!!! May be I'll finally get encouraged to do blog posts more often as well;-))) and I LOVE your design - very stylish!

    1. Yes, do more posts, I miss them when you don't post :D
      Thank you! I'm glad you like it. Xx

  2. Se že veselim oktobra! :D Pa srečno z nezapravljanjem :D

    1. Neazpravljanje velja samo, da ne kupujem nove stvari za Haloween. Zapravljam lahko na drugih stvareh :)

  3. Takoj bi zamenjala pust za halloween! Se že veselim rezanja buč in vsega kar paše zraven. :)

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Tudi jaz! :D Še en razlog več, zakaj bi mogla živet v Ameriki.. al kjerkoli drugje :D

  4. I would LOVE it if you did a halloween look inspired by Tim Burtons wonderful and twisted world :) You can choose whatever movie, character etc you want :D My favorite is Helena Bonham Carter though and all of her lovely characters ;)

    I LOVE the looks above, especially the man/female one.. so cool :D
    Oh and the skull was wicked :)

    The Nightmare Before Christmas is amazing :D
    Love those boots :)


    1. That's a great idea! Will try to do one or two :D I love Tim Burton. Well, who doesn't ? :D
      Thank you for lovely comment <3

  5. Halloween is my favorite holiday. It's so fun to dress up!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

    1. I would dress up every single day of the year if I could :D
      Love Halloween too!

  6. I love Halloween even though we just stay in and watch scary films! there is something about the chill in the air and the atmosphere... I would love to experience Halloween in the USA though, they know how to make it a holiday! Looking forward to your Halloween series :) x

    1. Yeah, another reason more I want to move to America :D
      Can't wait the madness starts :))

  7. That third picture. That is you. Wow. That is absolutely amazing, what you've done there. Deja, I love your work, I really do!!

