
Thursday, September 20, 2012

6 new lippies

I bought so many new makeup lately, but I still don't have a proper skin care products. Oh, well :)
I went a little crazy over buying lipsticks, some of them are on a natural side, for I discovered I don't have enough natural shades, and some are deeper shades for fall, everything in a purple family.

I introduce you to my new army.

From left to right: Essence Wild Craft lipstick 01 mystic lilac, MUA lipstick shade 2, Catrice Ultimate colour 160 Tell Me a Berry-tale, MUA lipstick shade 5, Catrice Ultimate shine 090 Fox Nox, MUA lipstick shade16 Nectar

  MUA lipstick shade 5, Catrice Ultimate shine 090 Fox Nox, MUA lipstick shade16 Nectar
I didn't like shade 5 from MUA, so I gave is to my mother, she is always so happy when I give her some makeup I don't use or like :). Catrice lipstick reminds me of my favourite natural shade from OriflameVibrant Beige. And the Nectar one. My oh my, I feel in love with it yesterday. I'm going to wear it a lot. 

Essence Wild Craft lipstick 01 mystic lilac, MUA lipstick shade 2, Catrice Ultimate colour 160 Tell Me a Berry-tale
 All in the purple family. I wanted dark purple lipstick for the longest time, but I didn't want to spend a lot money on it. Mystic lilac was perfect shade and cheap. MUA lippie shade 2 is kinda dark pinkish purple shade. I really like it. And the one from Catrice is really nice deep berry colour.

I didn't do any specific makeup looks for summer, so I decided to do at least 2 fall looks using some of my new shades. Yay! :)

Have you bought any new lipsticks lately? Do you like my new babies? Have you tried them?
Girl can never have too many lippies :)

Have a lovely day,


  1. The coral MUA one looks lovely! Xxx

  2. To essence wild craft si sedaj kje kupila?
    Se mi zdi, da se te kolekcije ne da nikjer več dobiti :(

    1. Dva dni nazaj sem kupila v Mullerju v Nm.
      Očitno sem imela srečo! :)

  3. Jaz sem tudi znorela za šminkami v zadnih dveh, treh mesecih. V tem času mislim, da sem jih kupila okrog 7. Veliko zame, ki sem bolj lipgloss tip.
    Vsi odetnki MUA šmink so mi zelo lepi.

    1. Hehe. Jaz imam raje šminke, ampak še kar jih ni dovolj.. Mislim, da imam to babici in njeni sestrični. :D

  4. Nectar je res najlepša! :D Jaz imam čisto preveč šmink ... ali pa jih premalokrat nosim, to bo to :D

    1. Res je lepa ! :) Šmink ni nikoli preveč :))

  5. Such beautiful colors :)
    I LOVE deep berry shades but I also love nudes and pinks... I mostly wear red and deep berry shades though cause I almost never have the time now a days to do a full makeup look :)
    I put on mascara, eyeliner and a red or deep berry lip and Im out the door :)
    Lovely finds sweetie :)

    1. BB cream, mascara, blush, eyebrows and dark lips is my to go look lately! Cannot go wrong with it :)
      Glad you like them. I love them all so much :)

  6. What a lovely lippies! You have the same taste as I have in lipsticks! I'm going to try the Catrice lipsticks too!


    1. That's awesome! Try Catrice, I think you will not be disappointed :)

  7. I'm very anti-lipstick. I only have 19 lipsticks at present date.
    Posledica tega, da imaš nagravžne krive čekane in ogromne žnable, ki spominjajo na dva polža :D

    Pač ne nosiš potem, da ne poudarjaš dentalne katastrofe :D

    1. Te polže in krive čekane verjetno tako vidiš samo ti :)
      Moji čekani so pa veliki ("konjski") in tudi ne kaj preveč ravni. Fcuk it, I'll rock my lipstick! :D

  8. a slučajno veš če se še da dobiti 160 Tell Me a Berry-tale?:)

    1. Sem pogledala na njihovo spletno stran in piše, da ni več na voljo.
