
Friday, August 17, 2012

What's in my purse? Video TAG

It's fun time, it's TAG post/video time! :P
Yesterday xoxo Alexis Leigh posted a video "what's in my purse" on her blog and I decided to do it, too :)

Well, my purse it's actually a bag, and I've been wearing it a lot lately. I bought it when I was in London (their bags are also available online: click, I think they're awesome!), and I like it for its "school" look. I can put a lot of stuff in and it is across body bag, so it's easy to carry around.

I recorded a video, but I'm not talking, I'm not comfortable with talking in English in public :D (I don't even know how to write properly!).
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with editing either, I wanted to put music or writing in my video, but I don't even think I have a proper editing program. Oh, well, I still hope it's watchable :).

So, let's take a look inside my bag :)
(making myself pretty at the beginning :PP)

- mobile phone Nokia E5 (call me maybe? :D)
- pocket of tissues
- random piece of paper with some notes
- pink headphones
- keys
- 'dragon eye' ring from E-bay
- Bionsen Stick deodorant (aluminium free! It's my fave)
- pretty leopard print bow I made myself :)
- empty pouch for sunglasses
- Bourjois lipstick 49 Rose allure
- hand sanitizer
- mouth freshener, because you never know when you'll have to kiss someone :D and I don't chew gums
- 2 lip balms: Badger Grape Fruit and Hurraw! coconut
- 2 pockets of tissues
- Refresh eye drops, because I'm a contact lens wearer and I can get pretty dry eyes
- 100 % pure hand cream Strawberry lemonade
- S-he lip gloss
- pink planner, which I always forget I have :D
- wallet with lots of card and according to my face expression it has some money in it :D
- cosmetic/makeup bag with lots of junk: hair brush, eyelash curler, mini mascara (it's dried up :( ), a rubber band (which is aways good to have if you have short hair :D), a mirror, mini mouth wash, buttons (who knows why), a pen, universal balm from Oriflame, mini calendar, a floss, Essence return to paradise Oil paper control, random product cap, medicine for allergies and sleep/stress (I take medicine just when it's urgent), bandages
- a sketch book
- mini bag (how do you call those in English? :D) with a pen, Hello Kitty pencil and rubber
- yellow marker

According to my bag, I'm an "oral hygiene obsessed with 'too much stuff in her bag' cry-baby" (have you seen all those packets of tissues??! :))

I usually carry a bottle of water as well, I drink loads of water! :)

What's in your bag/purse? If you have a "what's in my purse" post or video you can leave a link in the comment, or send it via email :)

Have a lovely day,

xoxo Deja


  1. Super,da si se posnela..naj te ne bo sram govoriti angleško,saj bodo ljudje razumeli, da nismo vsi ultra talentirani za angleščino :P :P

    Super blogec in zelo so mi všeč tvoji lasje :)
    Lep dan!

    Beauty Blog: Me and my Cousin

    1. heh. Več berem in pišem v angleščini, zato se mi bolj zatika pri govorjenju oz ne najdem pravih besed ob pravem času :)

      In hvala za oboje :D
      Lep večer ;)

  2. Glede na to kako pišeš v angleščini, sem 100%, da tut govoriš čist v redu, tako da naj te ne bo nč sram. :)

    Pa fajna ideja za post! Mogoče tudi jaz tole naredim. Ampak ne video, hihi. :D

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Bi mogla mau prej vadt, ker nikol ne najdem pravih besed. Še ko pišem grem včasih googlat al pa sprašujem cimre, kako se kej napiše :D

      Le objavi, bi rada vidla ;)

  3. Sem misnla da sm edina ki ji ni fajn angleško govort v javnosti :$ Bom napisala tole objavo, samo verjetno brez filmčka :)

    1. Sj pomoje, če bi več govorila v angleščini, ne bi bil tak problem.:) Le objavi, bi rada vidla! :)


  4. Hehe zanimivo te je videti.. joj jaz pa raje ne pokazem kaj vse se skriva v moji torbi :D

    1. Hehe. Sj lahko vidiš moj presenečen obraz, ko sem vse to ven vlačila :D

  5. Super post! :D Mogoče naredim kaj podobnega, ampak ne z videom. Da pokažem mojih 10 paketov robčkov in obvezen dežnik XD

    Če bi se želela pridružiti najinemu septemberskemu izzivu, bi bilo super! Več informacij je pa na blogu. :D

    1. Ja, js kr mečem robčke v torbico pa se jih nabere :D

      Septemberski izziv sprejet ;)
