
Monday, July 9, 2012

20 dollar makeup challenge (16 € makeup challenge)

20 $ equals 16,2860 €, so I decided to give it an European name: 16 € makeup challenge :). I found out that cosmetics in Slovenia is much more expensive as in America and we don't have a lot of choice when it comes to cheap cosmetics - Essence, some stuff from Catrice (which in fact is cheap, but not enough for this challenge) and maybe S-he and Alverde. Every purchased product was from Muller, just E.l.f. lipstick was bought online (even E.l.f. products from the UK site are more expensive than from the US site. So unfair!).

I originally bought Souffle Touch Blush from Essence and wanted to use it on my cheeks and on my lips, but I didn't like the product so much, and the total price was 18 €. I ended up using E.l.f. lipstick for 1,70 € on my lips and as a blusher instead. You have to work with what you have ;).
And I haven't used any of this products before this challenge, just the lipstick.

Here are the products I used with prices:
- Essence Clear & Matt make-up oil-free liquid foundation 01 Porcelain 3,49 €
- Essence I <3 stage eyeshadow base 2,69 €
- Essence Get it Big! Lashes mascara 2,49€
- Catrice Smokey eyes brush (double sided) 2,89 €
- Essence Eyebrow designer 04 Blonde 1,69 €
- Essence eyeshadow 09 Get ready! 1,89 €
- E.l.f. lipstick (pink shade) 1,70 €

Total: 16,84 €

Firstly, I applied Essence liquid foundation all over my face. It's applies smoothly, it gives light coverage.  Because I didn't buy concealer for this challenge, I decided to use an eyeshadow base as a concealer, because it's matt and I can say it worked pretty well as a concealer, although I think it is little bit to dark for my skin. I applied it on my under eye bags, on imperfections on my face and on my eyelids as a base for shadow.

With smokey eye brush I applied brownish eyeshadow all over my eyelid, crease and on my lower lash line as well. The other side of the brush is angled, so I used that side and mascara as an eyeliner and slightly winged it out. I just put some mascara on the brush and lined just my upper lash line and little bit on my lower as well. Applied mascara and filled in my eyebrows with eyebrow pencil. I used E.l.f. lipstick on my lips and stained my cheeks a little bit with it.

And my 16 € look is complete! :)
Here is the finished look:

My thoughts:
I think the final look came out quite good, although I really missed setting my foundation with powder, my face felt kinda sticky from all those creamy products. And an eyeshadow could be blended a little bit more above the crease. The two sided smokey eye brush worked really well, however I'm not the biggest fan of double sided brushes because I cannot store them in my brush holder and usually forget about them (but they become handy when you travel). Speaking of traveling, you could take just a mascara and an angled brush and you can achieve winged liner without using eyeliners! I don't know if it works well with every mascara though. 

The best product from this whole look I think I would have to chose an eye primer, it's like a magnet for your shadow. Even an eyeshadow is not bad quality! (I will probably depot it and put it in my Z palette, because I don't find single shadows really handy). Mascara gives you a really nice volume, although I had to apply several coats. And eyebrow pencil gives a little waxy feel to my brows, which is not a bad thing, because it keeps them in place longer.

What do you think about this look?? Do you like it? Have you ever used your eye primer as a concealer, lipstick as blush and mascara as a liner? I sometimes use lipstick as blush, it was the first time for the other two products :)

Now I would like you to do this tag!! :)
Sara from Passing Fancy
Christine from Makeup, Beauty & Fashion
V. from Gone2RehabBRB
and all other beautiful lovely ladies who would love to do this tag ;)

Have a lovely day,
xoxo Deja


  1. Moram te pohvaliti, tole ti je pa res super uspelo. Za 16 € pri nas narediti celoten look ni mala malica.

    1. Hvala :) To je bil res pravi izziv najdt prave stvari in jih uporabit čim bolj koristno. :)

  2. Res ti je uspelo naredit super look s tem budgetom!

    Hvala za tag! Bom poskusila :)

  3. Great job! You have beautiful eyelashes!

    The Lovely Memoir

  4. Wau tole pa je iziv! Ampak ti si ga odlično speljala in ustvarila točno tak look, ki bi ga jaz lahko nosila vsak dan, pa se ga nebi naveličala.

    1. Hvala :)
      Sj js ponavadi neki podobnega nosim zadnje čase. Sm trenutno mam rajši koralne šminke :)

  5. Malo offtopic ... ampak essence bazo sem kupila takoj januarja po praznikih in jo v roku dveh mesecev porabila kot korektor ;)
    In pa kot tekoči puder po celem obrazu v funkciji primerja za mineralni puder.

    16 evrov je rahlo srhljivo nizka cena, glede na mojo trenutno mozoljasto štalo na obrazu.
    Ampak bom malo preračunala jutri in če mi ne bo treba ničesar dokupit, bom naredila kaj :) Drugače pa Hoferjev MU je po mojih raziskavah živalim prijazne izdelave in še poceni. ;)

    1. great minds think alike (korektor pa to) :)
      that why it's called a challenge ;). za hoferjeva ličila pa sm vedla, sm bolj malokrat zaidem v hofer :)
      se že veselim tvojga posta.

  6. Hvala za tag! Challenge accepted. Se ga bom spravla delat naslednji teden. :D

    Teb vidim, da je kar super ratalo. Upam, da mi uspe najdit kake pocen make-up stvari po omarah, haha. S podlago bom mela verjetno kar probleme... pa maskara! Joooj, haha. :D

  7. Vse pohvale z moje strani!

    Jaz sem se dolgo poigravala z idejo nabora mejkapa za 20 €, pa me je zvilo, ko sem ugotovila, da ne smem uporabiti nobenega čopiča, ker to takoj nanese nekaj €. :(
    Ti pa si ustvarila odličen in nosljiv mejkap, tako da kapo dol. :)

    1. Hvala lepa!
      Ja tole brez čopičev je kr izziv, glede na to, da že sam čopič lahko stane 16 € :D
