
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Recipe: Yogurt fruit dip

I haven't posted any food recipes in a while, haven't I? Well, it's about time to do that! I think I may mentioned this yogurt dip before, but it's so good that I think it deserves its own blog post. It's super easy to make, it takes only 5 minutes, it's nutritional, healthy and delicious!

You will need:

- Greek yogurt (my fav is non fat Greek yogurt Total, but right now I have this Weidegluck Sahne joghurt with 10 % fat in 1000g family pack)
- honey
- cinnamon
- peanut butter (with no added sugars or salt; mine is Alnatura, bought at DM, it's around 2,50 €)
- fruit (apple or berries)
- a spoon
- and of course, a bowl to mix everything together

Take about two full spoons of Greek yogurt and add one spoon of honey. Mix those two together. Add about half spoon of peanut butter and mix with spoon again. Add cinnamon according to your taste. I kinda eyeball it. Give it a last mix and serve.

Greek yogurt is a great source of protein. I talked about it just when I started blogging (click; it's in Slovenian language).
Honey has many benefits: is an energy booster, it builds your immunity system, is anti-cancer!, cures cold, sore throat, hangovers, sleeplessness ...
Cinnamon is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron and calcium. It helps to regulate blood sugar, you can add it to your food when you crave something sweet. In combination with honey can even help relieve arthritis pain. 
Many people are allergic to peanuts, so better not use butter if you're one of them. Peanut butter provide protein, magnesium, folate, vitamin B3 and E. You have to use one with no added sugars and salt, though. You can even make homemade peanut butter.

I like to eat my yogurt dip with sliced apple. The sweet taste of a dip with slightly sour apple compliment each other perfectly. I would eat it with berries, too. I woudn't recommend eating it with a banana, together it tastes too sweet (in my opinion). 

This super easy dip is a great breakfast or snack option. You can serve it even as a dessert for your guests, I think they will like it :).

Bon apetit!

xoxo Deja

PS: And don't foget about May challenge! I earned 1 € today! Hope you too!