
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Free makeup!! My first giveaway *CLOSED*

I finally reached 50 followers via Google Friend Connect (GFC) and I decided to have my first giveaway. Yay!! :)
So, here is little something you can win:

- e.l.f. eyeshadow Brightening Eye Color 2016 Nymph Dreams
- Catrice lipstick Ultimate Colour 060 Oh Juicy!
- Catrice Defining Duo Blush 020 Peach Sorbet
- Six earrings
- Essence makeup bag

Everything is beauty related, although my blog is not just about cosmetics. In future I will have more versatile giveaways :). Those products kinda represent my spring/summer face. Been wearing a lot of coral/orange-y lipsticks, natural eyelid with turquoise eyeliner and orange blusher is currently my favourite. Of course no look is complete without funky earrings :)

Rules (I tried to simplify them as much as I could):

* You have to be a follower of this blog via GFC.
* You have to comment on this blog post to enter. You can write anything about my blog - what do you like, dislike, what would you like to read more, requests, suggestions ... or just say 'Hi.' or whatever comes to your mind :)
* You can enter only once (one comment per person). And you can increase your chances of winning, if you get me another follower or more. A new follower has to mention in his comment who suggested you my blog, so both of you get another entry.
* Giveaway starts today, 27 May 2012 and it ends 10 June 2012 at 23:59 CEST.
* Winner will be chosen randomly. The winner will be announced on my blog on Monday, 11 June 2012. The winner will have to contact me in 2 days time, otherwise another random winner will be chosen.
* Giveaway is opened internationally.

I hope everything is clear. Start entering and GOOD LUCK! :)

Have a lovely Sunday evening :)

xoxo Deja


  1. super giveaway :)
    všeč mi je ker imaš polno dobrih nasvetov za zdravo življenje in tudi receptov ker tudi sama dajem poudarek na to.
    lep večer še naprej!

  2. new follower mandy83
    thank you!

    pokergrl8 at

  3. Čestitam za 50 followers!
    Uhančki so res luštni. :)

  4. Čestitam za 50 sledilcev, si jih zaslužiš še več :) Tudi meni je všeč kombinacija "zdravih" in "lepih" objav :) Sledim ti pa preko GFC kot Ina

  5. Čestitke za 50! :D Super giveaway :)
    Meni so zelo všeč recepti, pa to, da zelo dobro kombiniraš objave o zdravem življenju pa o lepoti :)

  6. hey! i love your blog backround and i hope i win this contest! (:

    GFC: alyssa bubble tea

    email: alyssabubbleteax3@gmail(dot)com

  7. Awesome giveaway! New follower as Jara Christensen!

  8. O, čestitam! Pa seveda hvala za ta giveaway! Count me in ;)

    Spremljam te kot Biba.

  9. Čestitke. :)
    Meni je tvoj blog všeč, ker zajema različne teme in ni omejen samo na točno določeno temo, npr. nohti ali make up. Poleg tega pa ponuja tudi veliko koristnih nasvetov.
    Pa všeč mi je, da si spremenila temo bloga, je zdaj veliko bolj pregledno.

    Spremljam te kot Taya.

  10. This is such an amazing giveaway! Thank you)
    I like the topics you blog about, you're so good at tips and how-tos...
    GFC: Lulu

  11. Tako lustsna kozmeticna torbica bi mi pa zelo prav prisla :D Super giveaway, ze drzim pesti :)
    Blogec je full lusten in zanimiv in strinjam se s komentarjem da je sedaj bolj pregledno! Cestitke in pa 'go on girl'! :D

  12. zelo lušten blog imaš! pa pofočkam se seveda za giveaway:)

    &sem tvoja nova "spremljevalka"

  13. Now follower : Valerie Theberge

    Nice blog, thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Hi! Really nice giveaway :)
    gfc: mojemakaze
