
Saturday, April 7, 2012

100th blog post

I have been thinking about writing a new blog post and saw a number 101 blog posts on my blogger working table. Clicked on editing posts, there were two unfinished blog posts and deleted them, because I always save my un-posted blogs on my computer. So this one right here is a 100th post. Can you believe it? :D

I think this is an ideal opportunity to write a random post. And because I like writing random posts :))

I got a haircut two days ago. I was in such a desperate need of a haircut, complaining about my "long" hair. I like getting a haircut, and I love my hairdresser :). Had to wait until I got home (I live in Novo mesto), because I don't trust any other hairdresser. Getting a haircut was always more stressful to me than going to a dentist, and she's the only hairdresser I trust :). Call me crazy, but it's true! :)

My mobile phone camera washes me out!

Now I just need to colour my hair. I usually do it myself. Are there any good hair colours? I always buy whatever I think will work best. Don't have any favourites ... Right now on my hair I have Ultraviolet colour (it looks dark red, I know). Should I give violet another try or should I colour my hair brown? I'm opened for any other suggestions :)

Started reading the Hunger Games book! Love it so far! So many things from the movie are now much more clear-er! :)
... and random snack :)

Novo mesto is such a beautiful town ... After two months of not seeing it, it's even more beautiful :)

I found some awesome things from my childhood when I was cleaning my room. If you are a 90's child you know what I'm talking about. :)) Do you still have your childhood toys, electronics in your home?

I fell in love with Lita's shoes. They look so edgy but still enough feminine, I think they are so my style! I like girly-edgy combinations. I think they would be a nice edition to my shoe collection. (My birthday is in August! I think this is an important info :P). I asked a girl I follow on Twitter, where to get them and she directed me to Karma Loop site. Are there any other stores where they sell them? I would be the happiest person alive to have those babies! :)

And song of this weekend:

Lana Del Rey is my celebrity girl crush ... One of them :) Love this song!

Have a lovely Easter weekend if you celebrate it!

xoxo Deja


  1. Ooo, fantastično frizuro imaš! <3

  2. Jaz sem ista ko pride do frizerjev. Samo k moji in nikamor drugam! :D So mi že prevečkrat lase zafural... -_-

    1. ijap. js k svoji hodim že kašne šest let in je res ne zamenjam pa naj bo karkoli! :) pač mamo radi lepe frizure! ^^ :)

  3. Super frizura! Pa te čisto razumem, jaz sem ista glede frizerk. :) Samo enkrat sem šla k drugi v zadnjih 10 letih (če ne še več), ker je bila moja na porodniški, pa ne grem več! :D
    Aaaaa, kako se je že reklo tisti harmonika stvari? :D Jaz imam mavrično, joj smo to po stopnicah spuščali hahah :D

    1. hehe. sm misla, da sm samo js tako "zbirčna", pa očitno nas je več. :)) čeprav sm glede frizur ful odprta, ampk samo njej zaupam :) in hvala!
      jaaa, po stopnicah spuščali! skor bi šla tut zdj, samo, da zdj živim v bloku :D

  4. hehe...tudi jaz te razumem glede frizerjev:) Zadnjič sem si kar sama konice postrigla:) Ker me frizerke nikoli ne ubogajo:) vedno več postrižejo:) ....drugače pa aaaa barbikeee :) Jaz imam še vedno poln predal igrač iz otroštva - zdaj je namenjen vsem sestričnam, otročkom ki pridejo na obisk:) ... tako, jih zaposlim za kakšne dve uri:) haha,...

    aja, frizura ti pa paše:) vidim, da si kar pogumna:) uh, jaz sem pa zaprisežena dolgolaska:)

    1. js nimam problemov.. js sm rečem, ti sm striži pa smo obe vesele na koncu :D drgač mi pa lasje kr hitr rastejo. hvala. ja, morm rečt, da nimam zadržkov glede frizur, ne glede barv ravno tako ne glede oblike. načeloma mi tko vse paše :D
      in ti se igraš z njimi? :P mene je kr melo zanč, da bi se igrala sama. nostalgija :)

